participation by amateurs in musical, sports, or similar events or contests, if not being paid for participating.participation in social events hosted by fraternal, social, or service organizations.Learn more about Business Travel to the United States (PDF - 362 KB). attend short-term training (you may not be paid by any source in the United States with the exception of expenses incidental to your stay).attend a scientific, educational, professional, or business convention or conference.In addition, transiting through the United States to other countries is generally permitted for VWP travelers. This includes enhanced servers, networking environment, desktop machines and web map applications.The following are examples of activities permitted while in the United States on the VWP. The County continually makes significant upgrades to the infrastructure to allow and promote the use of GIS.
Cook county viewer free#
The County has also allowed all constituent municipalities the ability to receive, free of charge, all data pertinent to their respective geography. By 2004, a comprehensive parcel, planimetric and imagery data repository was completed along with a parcel maintenance application that mirrored the work flow of the Cook County Clerk and Cook County Assessor's offices. This activity would culminate in an RFP that was released and awarded in 1998. For over three years specifications were discussed that emphasized an enterprise wide collaboration among a wide number of agencies that would utilize the GIS. In the mid-1990s an initiative began to automate the Cook County parcel layer in conjunction with an office automation project at the Cook County Assessor's Office. Other departments such as Cook County Zoning Board of Appeals, Cook County Clerk Elections and Cook County Planning were using GIS to accomplish project-specific tasks. There are over 1.8 million parcels and more than 12,000 centerline miles of roadway contained within its boundaries.Ĭook County has a history with GIS dating back to 1987 with the automation of the Cook County Highway Department's road base. It has a population of over 5.2 million (2010 Census) within its 956 square miles situated in Northeastern Illinois. The GIS is the vehicle that regulates internal data and work flows as regards spatial information, enables the development of higher-level applications and provides long-term and stable management.Ĭook County, including its seat, the City of Chicago, is the most populated county in the State of Illinois and the second most populous county in the United States. This established GIS administers and coordinates land-based information across all County agencies utilizing a geography accurately developed from a photogrammetric base, in conjunction with sophisticated information management tools. On an enterprise level beginning in 1997, Cook County has successfully researched, planned, designed and implemented an enterprise GIS with the intention of delivering data to and improving the services of its constituent agencies and moreover, to enhance and streamline the taxpaying public's access to vital information.