Art of charm time of uncertatinty
Art of charm time of uncertatinty

art of charm time of uncertatinty

for "free offer" masterpiece', Times, 2 April 1985, p.32 Donald Wintersgill, 'Tate pays £1.5m for surreal classic', Guardian, 2 April 1985, p.4 Tate Gallery Report 1984-6, 1986, pp.68-9 repr. Robert Bedlow, 'Tate spends £1m on painting Lord Gowrie rejected', Daily Telegraph, 2 April 1985, p.19 repr.

art of charm time of uncertatinty

cat., Musée national d'art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris 1983, p.45, fig.10 and p.147 no.11 (col.), as 'L'Incertitude du poète' 'Masterpiece Lord Gowrie turned down', Standard, 1 April 1985, p.5 repr. Jean Clair, 'Dans la terreur de l'histoire', in Giorgio de Chirico, exh. 423 (col.), as 'Torment of the Poet' Jean-Charles Gateau, Paul Eluard et la peinture surréaliste (1910-1939), Geneva 1982, p.94. p.144 (col.) and p.286 no.22, as 'L'incertezza del poeta' Alain Jouffroy, 'L'Origine et la fin de la peinture métaphysique' in, De Chirico, Paris 1979, p.92, repr. p.184 René Passeron, Phaidon Encyclopedia of Surrealism, Oxford 1978, pp.136-7 repr., as 'The Poet's Disquiet' Alain Jouffroy, 'La Metafisica di Giorgio de Chirico' in, Conoscere De Chirico: La vita e l'opera dell'inventore della pittura metafisica, Milan 1979, p.91, repr. James Thrall Soby, The Early Chirico, New York 1941, reprinted 1969, p.32, pl.12 Italo Faldi, Il Primo de Chirico, Venice 1949, p.17, pl.IX, as 'L'incertezza del poeta' James Thrall Soby, Giorgio de Chirico, New York 1956, pp.66 and 67-8, repr. p.147 in col., as 'L'incertitude du poète') Surrealism in the Tate Gallery Collection, Tate Gallery Liverpool, May 1988-March 1989, (no number, repr. p.148 in col.) Giorgio de Chirico, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Nov.1982- Jan.1983, Musée national d'art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Feb.- April 1983 (11, repr. p.22) De Chirico, Tate Gallery, Aug.-Oct. 1938 (3) The Early Chirico, London Gallery, April-June 1949, (2) Dada and Surrealism Reviewed, Hayward Gallery, Jan.-March 1978 (1.6, repr. de Chirico, Galerie Paul Guillaume, Paris, March-April 1922, (4 as 'L'incertitude du poète') Giorgio de Chirico, London Gallery, Oct. Sold by the artist to Paul Guillaume, Paris from whom bt by Paul Eluard, Paris 1922 by whom sold to Roland Penrose, London 1938 Exh: Exposition G.

art of charm time of uncertatinty

Purchased from the executors of Sir Roland Penrose (Grant-in-Aid) with assistance from the National Art-Collections Fund (Eugene Cremetti Fund), the Carroll Donner Bequest, the Friends of the Tate Gallery and members of the public 1985 Prov: Oil on canvas 1060 x 940 (41 3/4 x 34) Inscribed 'Georgio de Chirico | M.CM.XIII' b.l.

Art of charm time of uncertatinty